Sunday, July 14, 2013


Water has memory. Water it might just be the most powerful substance in the 

universe. Science is finding that it is an amazing thing. There are countless

ways water can be used. I am amazed of how our bodies are mostly made up of 

this pure mysterious matter. My head is full without it i would not have a 

conscious. Do you believe a one word or thought can change the structure of a 

single drop?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

                                                    " Killing an elephant."

 RESPONSE:       1. Elephants natural territory and current location?

                              2. Whereabouts of elephants family, specific Bloodline?

                              3. Laws protecting elephants rights, laws in witch protect the man?
                              4. Age and temperament of specific breed?

                              5. Determine cause of situation, was it an accident, is elephant

                                  possibly sick or was the man in someway at fault?

                                                             " Action to take."

CONCLUSION:   1. Weight of elephant and locating adequate sedative.

                              2. Provide Justice for family

                              3. Provide proper funeral for victim.
                              4. Fix Damages to properties.

                              5. Locate equipment to lift, transfer and relocate elephant.

Humanitarian view: The only rights at stake in the 
situation depends on if elephant was sick or at fault
and responsible.
Authoritative view: It must be killed regardless who
to blame.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The War on Consciousness

The current world order establishment has plenty to gain by keeping the people of the planet in the dark about ideas that can lead to a revolution in human consciousness. - See more at:
The current world order establishment has plenty to gain by keeping the people of the planet in the dark about ideas that can lead to a revolution in human consciousness. - See more at:

Hancock's TED Talk, “The War on Consciousness”, was deliberately removed from YouTube: “Graham Hancock’s talk, again, shares a compelling and unorthodox worldview, but one that strays well beyond the realm of reasonable science. While attempting to critique the scientific worldview, he misrepresents what scientists actually think…” Chris Anderson, [TED]. After some debate, this presentation was not fully re-posted to TED’s site, but rather subjugated to a new, unseen basement corner on TED’s site, limiting its future visibility. - See more at:

Thursday, February 28, 2013

LED tattoos next Big Trend?

LED tattoos, john rodgers, implanted LEDs, university of illinois, john rogers LED, nature materials LED 
  Man, can it get any stranger? Integrated with that tiny electric current in your brain. Led could replace wigs and make humans part chameleon! John Rogers and his team from the university of Illinois developed away to take natural flexible materials and interactively make the smallest array of led lights to date.
University of Illinois led by John Rogers has devised a method to actually install LED lights under the skin. The research, published today in , saw the team develop flexible arrays 2.5 μm thick and 100 x 100 μm square which are currently smaller than any commercially available array. - See more at:
University of Illinois led by John Rogers has devised a method to actually install LED lights under the skin. The research, published today in , saw the team develop flexible arrays 2.5 μm thick and 100 x 100 μm square which are currently smaller than any commercially available array. - See more at:
University of Illinois led by John Rogers has devised a method to actually install LED lights under the skin. The research, published today in , saw the team develop flexible arrays 2.5 μm thick and 100 x 100 μm square which are currently smaller than any commercially available array. - See more at:

Water proven to have memory!!??

How old is water?  So if you think about it water is pretty amazing.  If our bodies are made up of least 75% water. Everything kind of points to the fact that, if our words or even our thoughts can change just on drop of water into something so beautiful an so symmetric as a snow flake, but yet when one changes their thoughts and intentions toward hate and anger that drop of water will look so ugly and distorted. Is this partial proof people think themselves sick?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

.updated reality..

It just blows my mind literally when i think about how worldwide social media in

the 21st century is viral bringing together every human being. Scientist took small

electrical coin flipping device which simulates flipping a coin at a high rate of speed.

They planted them all across planet earth. Next graft all that data to central hub

were recorded. Now it gets deeper.. Every time there was a major event like for

instance 911, all of those coins would all start flipping heads.. Ever heard of the

Schumann resonance? Measurement of earths harmonic hertz. Notedly to my

surprise mankind's hertz has an identical wavelength frequency. There are some

major advancement in the near future that will change every thing. Like retina

implant for augmented reality. Or how now a implant can make a vegetable

navigate on the Internet and do as much as anyone else.