Develop the power of positive thinking

Equipped with positive affirmations, you can replace negative thought patterns with positive, healthy thinking.

 Does your mind lead itself into positive thinking, or are you letting negative, fear-based programs operate? Are you able to watch your thoughts as though they were a crawl on CNN? The way our brains are able to quickly take in information, analyze it, and assess what we should do or say in a given moment is awesome! Truly. However, as the only thinker in our minds, it is up to us to be mindful, and to change our own thinking and programming along the way. What old tapes are you letting run?

 Whether you’re conscious of it or not, your positive (or negative) thinking is affecting your everyday experiences of the world around you.
Let’s face it, how you interpret events in your life effects your mood. If you are letting old mental tapes run, you could be using your energy in an unproductive way which could easily be leading to lowered self-esteem, cynicism, pessimism, and negativity. Don’t waste your energy getting caught up in the story of how it was, or you fear it will be. You are in control and it is time to take back your power! The inner creates the outer.
So, whether it’s an old program that tells you that you are not good enough, intelligent enough, or attractive enough, these old thoughts and belief systems will be reflected in the energy you put out into the world through your word and actions, and mirrored back to you by those around you. Negative tapes can originate on the elementary school playground, the lockers after gym class, your home or work environment or elsewhere. What’s important is that you become aware of them and compassionately change them into positive thinking.
How does one change one’s thinking from old negative tapes to positive, healthy thinking? Placing positive affirmations in plain view is a great way to begin. Tape some affirmations to your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, car, and office. These affirmations are reminders that you are in control of your thoughts—and thoughts can be changed. Be aware; watch your thoughts throughout the day, knowing that you are more than your brain, and in fact, are the one in the driver’s seat.
Positive affirmations can take different forms, but I prefer to always keep them framed in the positive, present tense. “I am” statements are wonderful! “I am” strong, beautiful, confident, smart, creative, etc. Fill in your “I am” statement for the areas in your life where you wish to consciously shift your thinking patterns.
I also like “I can” statements, but I don’t recommend using many future tense statements (“I will” proclamations). I believe that putting energy out in the future results in the desired creation always being out there—in the future. Bring it into the present tense and affirm that you already have that which you want, bridging the gap between desiring and reality. For example, instead of telling yourself, “I will have a beautiful, peaceful home,” say “I have a beautiful, peaceful home.” Can you feel the difference when you say each one? Allowing your energy to be in the present tense brings the energy into being in the present tense, where you want your creations to occur.
I think it is very powerful to write one’s own affirmations, but here are some of my favorite examples to get you started:
  • I love and appreciate myself just as I am.
  • My life works beautifully.
  • I am strong and healthy.
  • My life is blossoming in total perfection.
  • Everything is working out for my highest good.
  • I love having plenty of energy.
  • I deserve the best and accept the best now.
  • I prosper wherever I turn.
  • I value who I am.
  • I love and cherish all aspects of myself.
  • I radiate health through every cell and system in my body.
  • I have the courage and self-confidence necessary to put my solutions into practice.
  • I honor myself and treat myself with respect.
  • I am the prime decision maker in my life.
  • I trust my feelings and unconscious thoughts.
  • As I own my power, I recognize the strength and beauty of who I am.
  • I accept responsibility for all decisions I make in life.
  • I treat each new problem I encounter as a new door to be opened, and an opportunity to be creative.
  • I love creating joyful, creative relationships.
  • There are beautiful things happening in my life daily.
Why do affirmations and changing your thought patterns from negative to positive thinking work? Because they reflect the truth. You are perfect just as you are! You came in that way. All else is ego bullsh#t. Don’t let old tapes control you and your life. You deserve the best and it is time to accept the best now! Love yourself enough to become aware of what you are telling yourself and compassionately change the old, unhappy scripts into beautifully written, constructive ones.

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